Imagine this . . .

Six months from now consistent sales are coming in through your business and every week, you’re clear on the steps you need to take to reach your goals. You wake up motivated, excited to turn your passion into a profitable business. You trust yourself to make bold decisions and you feel confident in your inevitable success. It all feels easy, effortless, and fun.

You’re finally comfortable selling. Talking about your offers feels natural and you no longer get in your head if people haven’t reached out to buy yet, or feeling rejected from “no”. You confidently hold the vision of the sales you desire and you do it without any spiraling thoughts.

You are connected to a deep sense of purpose and every week you’re receiving ‘thank you’ messages in your inbox and attracting happy clients. It feels good to know you’re making a real impact. Best of all! Your business is thriving and abundance is flooding in. 

You know this vision is possible for you. You know you’re not far off. 

And you know it’s time to stop holding yourself back. 

Gone are the days where you sit down at your laptop and don't know what to post! 

Gone are the days of feeling too afraid and hesitating on putting yourself out there! 

Gone are the days of getting quiet about your offers when it looks like no one is interested!

You’re proud to be a woman who so consistently sells and doesn’t get in her head when it looks like it’s not working. And because of that, your offers are selling faster than ever.

The anxiety about the future of your business is gone and you can finally focus your attention on what truly matters- the reasons you embarked on this entrepreneurial journey in the first place: growing a family, spontaneous travels to the coast of Mexico, nurturing loving relationships, and embracing a life filled with fun, freedom and total fulfillment. 

Your business is unstoppable, your mind is clear, your emotions are elevated, your energy is magnetic and you're becoming who you're meant to be!

I know what it's like to feel you're destined for success, but at the same time wonder if it will ever really happen...

5 years ago, I was building my holistic therapy practice and transitioning out of corporate America. I had always had a comfy paycheck, a safe job and didn't need to think too much about anything else. Becoming a business woman was a whole different story and I quickly learned that achieving success and meeting my potential was all up to me. 

Nobody was going to save me and I knew that if I wanted to turn my passion into purpose and monetize it as a business, I'd have to figure it out one step at a time. I'd have to commit, show up consistently, set strong boundaries and live in a positive, growth mindset.

Being my own boss wasn't all glitz and glamour and I struggled to stay motivated at times. I had all these amazing ideas, knew my purpose, but didn't know how to actually bring them to life or make it all happen. I doubted my capability, didn't trust that I had what it took, and made up excuses to not even start, when all I wanted was to have this thriving business making me money, giving me purpose, and providing me the freedom to travel the world.

Flash forward to now: I've hit 6 figures in both my wellness businesses, sold out group coaching programs, filled my global retreat experiences, booked my calendar with fully aligned 1:1 coaching clients, and set off to work nomadically in different countries around the world as often as I feel like it.

Best of all, I have the freedom, wealth, and purpose I was craving in my life.

How did this happen?

I had to learn how to get comfortable with selling consistently in public and showing up for my launches all the way through, without letting my mind sabotage me. 

I created this program to help you do the same. Because you deserve to have white space on your calendar, endless clients rolling in, vacations planned multiple times a year, and a thriving business that gives you meaning and purpose!

This is for you if...

  • You desire a thriving business filled with purpose, yet you know that in order to have that you have to heal and release all the mental and emotional blockages holding you back from becoming who you're meant to be.
  • You have an online, brick n’ mortar, service based, or freelance business with a passion for helping others.
  • You want your business to generate consistent sales, and you’re ready to make a plan you feel confident you can stick to. 
  • You feel like your business is growing and have reached certain levels of success, but not enough to sustain the lifestyle you truly want.
  • You want to get better at selling. You know you’ve been holding yourself back in this area. You’re ready to do the mindset work to stop the thought-spirals and sell more confidently!
  • You yearn for it to be more profitable and you know it’s possible. You know working with someone who's done it will give you the guidance to speed up the process.
  • You’re done wasting time on business tasks that don’t actually move the needle. And you’re serious about getting focused on the tasks that’ll lead to cash flow, and ultimately more white space on your calendar. 
  • You want clarity on your next steps and confirmation that you're on the right path. And you know that being in an intimate group of other like-minded wellness leaders, to do it alongside, will bring you the community, success, & fulfillment you’ve been looking for. 


A 12 week group coaching & retreat experience for the wellness leader ready to grow her purpose-drive business to 6-figures.


The journey begins April 17th, 2024.

Group Sessions are every Wednesday through July 3rd (Time TBA).

Retreat is May 20th-26th, 2024 in Las Lomas, Mexico.

Space limited to 12 women.

Book Clarity Call


A 12 week group coaching & retreat experience for the wellness leader ready to grow her purpose-drive business to 6-figures.

The journey begins April 17th, 2024. 

Group Sessions every Wednesday through July 3rd (Time TBA).

Retreat is May 20th to 26th, 2024 in Las Lomas, Mexico.

Space limited to 12 women.

Book Clarity Call

"I feel like a whole new person. The subtle changes make me realize how much I've grown. I feel like I'm more of my true self and living the life that I should be, aligned with who I really am!"


"Meant To Be is the best investment I’ve ever made in my self! The fears that once controlled every aspect of my life started to fade. I now know, without a doubt, that I can fulfill all my heart’s desires." 


"Before the program I was afraid to put myself out there and shine my light on the world. Now I feel super confident, I have so much to offer, and I'm not afraid anymore. That fear is gone and I'm ready!"


Meant to Be is more than just a program where we map out a strategy to get your business to 6-figures.

It’s a program backed by neuroscience & psychology, guiding you to reach your full potential with a cutting edge hypno-repatterning methodology. 

In just 12 short weeks you'll learn to harness your unconscious wisdom, clear suppressed emotions, & recalibrate your nervous system, so you can build a purpose-driven, profitable business that supports an empowered, fulfilling life.

Here's how it will work...

Every week we come together on group calls where I personally coach you on business strategy, the power of your unconscious mind, energetics, abundance mindset, nervous system regulation, effective communication, leadership skills, boundary setting, healthy habits & so much more. 

You’ll learn how to break down outdated belief systems holding you back & change your neurology to align with more wealth, freedom, and purpose. I lead you through a hypno-repatterning methodology for change that has been described as “12 years of therapy in 12 weeks”. The simple, 4-step process gets to the root of what’s been blocking you from making sales at an unconscious, energetic level. The process combines neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), MER® (mental & emotional release), hypnotherapy, breathwork, energetics, and several other tools that will set you and your business up for ultimate success.

In between groups, we have 1:1 biz strategy sessions, where we deep dive into your current business and align with the business you want. 

Every call will provide you with tangible resources, tools & skill sets to embody the lifestyle of a confident, successful, empoweredentrepreneur. Helping you scale your business to the 6-figures 7 beyond, your greater purpose leading the way.

Included in your Meant to Be experience is a 7 day all inclusive retreat at Punta Monterrey Resort in Las Lomas, Nayarit, Mexico. 

During the retreat you will be immersed in coastal jungle vibes, sleeping by the sea and dining under the stars with a group of empowered leaders, undergoing deep transformation and personal development work. 

The retreat is consciously curated to support you in rejuvenating your spirit, redesigning your belief systems, and setting up a strategic plan to move forward with your business. 

Each day will be filled with local cuisine, explorative adventures, ancient ceremonies, beachside lounging and so much more! 

*Flight & Transportation to retreat center not included. 

During the retreat you will be taking part in an intensive 1:1 breakthrough session where we uproot all of the blockages, baggage, and bullsh*t holding you and your business back from making the sales you desire. 

This is where we dig deep into the unconscious, tap into your personal history, assess traumas, patterns, significant events, and emotions that have shaped your life and the results you currently see in business. 

Once we light up all the baggage and stuck energy then we use a hypno-repatterining process called MERŽ to let go of the negative emotions and limiting beliefs from a cellular, neurological level. From there you will feel light, clear, confident and ready to show up and sell, without feeling self-conscious about it working.

After the retreat you will be feeling so inspired and ready to talk about your work, that it will feel like a rocket has been lit up in your soul. 

We continue with 1:1 and group calls focused on purposeful goal setting, success strategies, empowered boundaries, and aligned action. 

We design a strategic action plan for your business vision that tells you exactly what you need to do daily, weekly, monthly in order to start generating consistent sales. 

We keep your nervous system regulated & your mindset laser focused on ultimate success with breathwork, hypnosis and personalized meditations. 

Now it's only a matter of when, not if your dreams come true!

What's Included...

Weekly Group Coaching Sessions (12 women max) where you’ll be coached on everything from, “I’m feeling stuck on putting myself out there” to “I need help setting boundaries with my time.” You’ll walk away from each call feeling empowered & knowing your next steps to attaining a 6-figure business.” $3500 value

Two 1:1 Business Strategy Sessions (60 min) where we map out an entire plan, so that you know exactly what you're doing over the next 6 months when it comes to content, offers, pricing, messaging, branding, marketing, networking, sales & so much more. $1000 Value

7 Day All Inclusive Retreat in Mexico where you will be immersed in a beachfront jungle paradise free of distractions. Workshops designed to reprogram the unconscious mind, intensive 1:1 sessions, ancient ceremonies & the "me" time you've been craving. $5000 Value

1:1 Breakthrough Coaching Intensive (120 min) where we get to the root & rewire all of your unconscious money blocks, scarcity, & “not enoughness” causing you to procrastinate, prolong, and put off the business success you're meant for. $1000 Value

Weekly Homework, Hypnosis & Breathwork Activations that will set you up for sustained growth in your business, plus empower you to harness your energy & regulate your nervous system. $500 Value

Telegram Voice & Text Messaging Support (Mon, Wed, Fri) where you have access to me outside of sessions to talk through any blocks coming up. You can ask me questions about your business vision and gain clarity on what you can do in the moment to empower yourself. $1500 Value

Personalized Hypnosis Recording where I create a neural manifestation that highlights your values, vision and goals. The more you listen, the more deeply embedded your success becomes. $500 Value

Program valued at over $12,000

Meet Your Guides

Sara Ashley Baker- Lead Coach

Tiffany Rose Baker- Co-Coach

Your Investment in Your Future


500 deposit + 5 installments of $1200

  • Only a $500 deposit to save your spot 🙌🏼
  • Payment plan without extra fees. 

  • Pressure Free. Schedule a Clarity Call below to make sure it's a good fit for your unique business goals & vision 💕.

  •  Space is limited, act now. 

I'm Ready!